Mash isn't just another tech company - we're a passionate community of custom mechanical keyboard enthusiasts. Our goal is to provide a welcoming and engaging platform for newcomers to the hobby, while delivering high-quality mechanical keyboards at an affordable price point.

Our Vision
It wasn't long ago that owning a custom mechanical keyboard was only for the most dedicated, or knowledgeable hobbyists.
With a team of experienced enthusiasts, we are determined to make this experience accessible to all.

Our Mission
At Mash, we understand that personalized keyboards are not just about function, but also about form. From our library of keyboard kits, keycaps, and switches, we offer a wide range of customization options that let you express your unique style and personality.

Our Promise
In addition to offering a large variety of products, we provide educational resources and personalized guidance to help beginners feel confident in navigating their own journey into the world of custom mechanical keyboards.